Tuesday October 03, 2023
07:00 PM - 08:30 PM
KADS - Addison
EAA Chapter 168 and Rising Aviation High School present: An Evening with Ann Pellegreno. Ann Pellegreno and a crew of three successfully flew a Lockheed 10A Electra to complete a world flight that closely mirrored Amelia Earharts flight plan in 1937. Ann accepted a challenge to make the 1967 flight with Bill Polhemus, Lee Koepke and William Payne. Completed during the 30th anniversary of Earharts failed attempt, Ann and her crew were honored with numerous awards. Anns book detailing the journey, World Flight, the Earhart Trail received the Nonfiction book award from the Aviation and Space Writers Association. The flight has served as a subject that has helped Ann explain more about aviation and the work of Amelia Earhart to countless schoolchildren in the decades since the flight. Ann is also a staunch supporter of women in aviation.Our evening with Ann starts at 7:00 at Rising Aviation High School. Please make reservations at https://www.eaa168.org/wp/an-evening-with-ann-pellegreno/. There is no charge for this event.
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Rising Aviation High School

Dallas, TX 75001
KADS - Addison
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