Saturday February 24, 2024
11:59 AM - 11:59 PM
5C1 - Boerne Stage Field
Zenith Aircraft Company is returning to southwestern Texas to host its popular hands-on kit aircraft building workshop. The two-day workshop will be held at Boerne Stage Airfield (5C1), north of San Antonio, Texas. The two day hands-on workshop class will start on Friday morning, February 23, inside a large private hangar at Boerne Stage Airfield and will conclude the following day. Also on Saturday morning (February 24), Zenith will host an informal regional fly-in gathering for Zenith aircraft owners, flyers and enthusiasts. We have an active community of Zenith aircraft builders and pilots spread throughout Texas, and we look forward to seeing many of them and their flying Zenith projects.Zenith Aircrafts hands-on workshops are primarily for first-time kit airplane builders and have become popular with sport aviation enthusiasts who are considering building their own aircraft and are unsure if they have the required skills, workspace and tools. During the workshop each participant builds and assembles their own Zenith aircraft rudder tail section from a standard Zenith kit. The two-day workshop concludes once participants have successfully completed assembly of their own rudder tail section of the aircraft.In the process of building the rudder assembly, participants tackle many activities including learning how to read drawings (blueprints) and work with assembly instructions (manuals) under the expert guidance of factory staff.
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Private hangar Boerne Stage Airfield

San Antonio, TX 78006
5C1 - Boerne Stage Field
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