Tuesday April 16, 2024
06:30 PM - 08:30 PM
KORH - Worcester Rgnl
Did you know there is certain maintenance you can legally perform on your own airplane without being an A&P? Join me as I discuss the requirements, duties, documents and conditions that apply before you start turning wrenches. 14 CFR Part 43 Appendix A(c) lists what you can do, but before you pick up your toolbox and head to the hangar, we ll talk about how to satisfy the regs while giving you the knowledge of how to proceed safely. There s more to understanding the what, why, when, and how than always meets the eye. This seminar aims to help you with that understanding.
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Worcester Airport Terminal
375 Airport Drive
Worcester, MA 01602
KORH - Worcester Rgnl
Lightspeed Aviation
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