Wednesday December 06, 2023
07:00 PM - 08:00 PM
Managing and Avoiding Aviation Wildlife Strikes According to the U.S. Dept. of Agriculture (USDA) Wildlife Strikes cause more than 600,000 hours of aircraft downtime and cost the U.S. civil aviation industry in excess of $625 million every year. Birds account for almost 98% of the strikes with wildlife. The remainder is attributed to large mammals (e.g., deer and coyotes) and reptiles (e.g., alligators). These estimates are conservative; experts believe that only 20% of all wildlife strikes are reported. He's back - USDA State Director Noel Myers will discuss ways to mitigate this risk and to prevent potentially fatal aviation collisions caused by wildlife. He will also review the wildlife assessment requirements for Part 139 commercial airports and MORE!! One Wildlife Strike and you can be OUT! See you at the webinar! Be sure to invite a friend, too.
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Lanny Cline
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