Thursday April 13, 2023
07:00 PM - 09:00 PM
KWVI - Watsonville Muni
Pilots join us for our first post-covid safety seminar! Watsonville is a multi-use airport with a highly diverse operations including fixed and rotary wing training and testing, on-demand air taxi and skydiving operations. Many times operators are planning on using the same runway so to avoid being in the same place at the same time we found it helpful to raise awareness about what to expect when transitioning through or operating in the pattern at this Airport. We invited representatives from each organization on the field to speak on their area of expertise for pattern entry and exit points, refueling and runup areas and tips on being courteous when it comes to coexisting with your neighbor. If you want to hear about what happens at Watsonville or have any questions you are welcome to join us.
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EAA-WAEC Building
60 Aviation Way
Watsonville, CA 95076
KWVI - Watsonville Muni
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