Tuesday November 29, 2022
07:00 PM - 09:00 PM
KWJF - General Wm J Fox Airfield
The hallowed skies over Edwards AFB have seen monumental strides in aviation history. Maj Christopher Roth, Deputy Chief of the 412th Wing Flight Safety Office, will review the current missions at Edwards AFB and reveal proper methods to navigate the vast MOAs and Restricted areas plus Military Training Routes (MTRs) with an emphasis on midair collision avoidance with fast movers. There will be vital safety information, as well as some fun information and videos about current Edwards flight test programs. Don't miss this dynamic presentation! Maj Roth is bringing a whole TEAM of experts who are excited to reach out to local civilian pilots about safely sharing the skies with Edwards aircraft. New this year both the Chief of the Air Force Flight Test Center Safety Office, LtCol Jennifer Stokes, and the Chief of Wing Flight Safety, LTCol Frederick Cartwright will be bringing their perspectives to the MACA briefing and ready to meet local pilots and answer your questions. Maj Nate Moeller, C-12 Chief Instructor, and Dave Sampson, safety and airfield management, are also active civilian pilots and will be here to address the details of how to safely traverse around and through the airspace complex (for instance, flying to Las Vegas or Death Valley) and provide General Aviation pilot insights. An airfield management rep from Plant 42 will also be on hand to talk about the current instrument approach restrictions and how to get PPRs. Please come armed with specific questions or scenarios!We will be the first airport to receive this briefing since the shutdown. The Edwards personnel are excited about resuming these airport briefings, and have assembled a treasure trove of high-level expertise for us. Flying activity is really picking up after a few dark years, so now is the time to refresh yourself on the Edwards airspace. Particularly important are the MOAs and MTRs which we share with military aircraft - make sure you understand the rules and YOUR responsibilities for avoiding mid-airs! If you are a Flight Instructor, new student, pilot new to the area, or old pilots getting back in the game, or pilots from nearby airports, this briefing is for you!
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William J Fox (KWJF) Terminal Building
4555 W Ave G
Lancaster, CA 93536
KWJF - General Wm J Fox Airfield
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