Thursday August 24, 2023
01:00 PM - 03:00 PM
PABG - Beluga (Private)
Due to a large number of maintenance-related aviation accidents and incidents that occurred in the late 1980s and early 1990s, Transport Canada identified twelve human factors that degrade people s ability to perform effectively and safely, which could lead to maintenance errors. These twelve factors, known as the dirty dozen, were eventually adopted by the aviation industry as a straight forward means to discuss human error in maintenance. It is important to know the dirty dozen, how to recognize their symptoms, and most importantly, know how to avoid or contain errors produced by the dirty dozen. Understanding the interaction between organizational, work group, and individual factors that may lead to errors and accidents, AMTs can learn to prevent or manage them proactively in the future.
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Guardian Flight
212 West Freedom Way
Beluga, AK 84511
PABG - Beluga (Private)
Lightspeed Aviation
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