Thursday March 30, 2023
08:30 AM - 10:30 AM
KLAL - Lakeland Linder Rgnl
Is it YOUR mission to make a difference? Then pursue a career in vertical aviation! With safety always in mind, our pilots and maintenance technicians perform the work that keeps the world working. Why drive an airborne bus route when you can put out fires, speed accident victims to medical care, or maintain our electrical grid. Come learn about the opportunities that await you just a few hundred feet off the ground, where we don't just fly we safely fly missions! There are outstanding employment opportunities currently available in vertical lift aviation Opportunities are available for pilots and maintenance personnel, and neither require a college degree The rotorcraft industry is the gateway to future Advanced Air Mobility (AAM) operations Most helicopter flights are mission-specific, allowing pilots to choose from a vast variety of career opportunities As in all of aviation, safety is vital at every stage of planning and operation
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FAA Orlando Field Office (FAA Safety Center)
4425 Sun N Fun Road
Lakeland, FL 33811
KLAL - Lakeland Linder Rgnl
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