Wednesday April 26, 2023
07:00 PM - 09:00 PM
KMQS - Chester County G O Carlson
During this two-hour seminar, we will talk about one of the greatest dangers to aviation, thunderstorms. When evaluating thunderstorm-related accidents, it becomes apparent that the associated dangers were not consistently recognized by aviators nor the potential evasive actions available to prevent disastrous results. Two other leading causes of summer weather-related accidents are turbulence and IMC (Instrument Metrological Conditions). To gain the most utility and enjoyment from your airplane, you must be able to predict the location and severity of these threats and successfully navigate around them or through them, or fly when conditions are more favorable. This is true for both VFR and IFR pilots. Through this presentation, you will gain a better understanding of the nature and risks associated with these hazards and how to use modern weather prediction tools and techniques to mitigate the risk of a potentially life-threatening encounter with summer weather.
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Chester County Aviation
2 Earhart Dr., Coatesville, PA
Coatesville, PA 19320
KMQS - Chester County G O Carlson
Aspen Avionics
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