Saturday December 17, 2022
10:00 AM - 12:00 PM
KSDM - Brown Field Muni
Renting an airplane: $500 Burning fuel for a short trip: $100 Getting the service you want from ATC: Priceless! This meeting will be held in person at EAA Hangar 1 at Brown Field. The program will also be broadcast live on Zoom for those who are unable to attend in person. If you wish to be given WINGS credit for attending the Zoom broadcast, please email your name, your WINGS email address, and your Zoom ID to me at kgpowell02@gmail.com. Join Zoom Meeting https://us02web.zoom.us/j/86371725360?pwd=RVVPck56K3NCelAvOTVyOUFIc1RYUT09 Meeting ID: 863 7172 5360 Passcode: 780122
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EAA Chapter 14
1409 Continental St
San Diego, CA 92154
KSDM - Brown Field Muni
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