Saturday April 20, 2024
10:00 AM - 12:00 PM
KSDM - Brown Field Muni
Renting an airplane: $500 Burning fuel for a short trip: $100 Getting the service you want from ATC: Priceless!!! Rob works for the SoCal TRACON, the busiest n the world, and has been a very active ATC spokesperson all around Southern California. He has led past Operation Rain Check visits at the TRACON, and has been the featured speaker at many pilot groups in the WP09 (San Diego) and other regions. He has an engaging speaking style and his Q & A sessions at the end are extremely valuable and popular. Join us to hear Rob speak, who can help you unravel the mysteries of working with ATC and help them give you better service. They really are here to help!
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EAA Chapter 14, Brown Field
1409 Continental St
San Diego, CA 92154
KSDM - Brown Field Muni
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