Monday April 17, 2023
07:00 PM - 08:00 PM
Engine Failure Startle Effect Expect the Unexpected: Doors do open and engines do stop running, are you ready for it? If you care to walk away from an unexpected engine failure after takeoff and you are not sure that your reaction would be the right one then this workshop is for you. This 2 hour seminar was developed as a result of a local aircraft accident that showed us that pilots need to know and train for the unexpected each time they fly if they want to stay safe. This pilot seminar is led by Jurg Grossenbacher, FAA who will walk you through these discussion points. Jurg will discuss: 1. Emergency Procedure Training 2. Standard Operating Procedures 3. Pre Takeoff Briefing before Vr, after Vr, low altitude, high altitude engine failure/power loss 4. Staying Proficient Prior to attending a safety seminar please review and abide by current CDC, State and Local health guidelines.
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