Thursday May 18, 2023
06:00 PM - 08:00 PM
KSLC - Salt Lake City Intl
Learn how to safely operate at airports with both rotorcraft and fixed-wing operations. We will address how to mitigate the risk of rotorcraft wake turbulence and how safely operate with simultaneous takeoffs and landing occurring on the runway and taxiways. The information will be brought to life through the presenter's experience as a 20+ year military helicopter pilot. CW5 Jones has flown out of U42/SVR since 2003 and seen the evolution of traffic and airspace over this time. He has experience flying across the country in all types of airspace, including multiple overseas deployments, with ~ 1000 hours in combat zones in challenging terrain and complex airspace. He has limited time in Fixed Wing aircraft but over 4000 hours in military helicopters.
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SLC Airport Activities and Training Center
1911 North 2200 West
Salt Lake City, UT 84116
KSLC - Salt Lake City Intl
Aspen Avionics
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