Wednesday August 09, 2023
08:00 PM - 09:00 PM
If You Listen, Your Aircraft Might Be Talking To You. If you fly airplanes then his webinar is for You! Dustin Kurath, Certified Flight Instructor will lead this discussion which focuses on the clues that many pilots do not pay attention to or even understand about the airplane that they are flying: 1. Flight training places heavy emphasis on flying, WHAT A SHOCK RIGHT? BUT NOT MUCH ELSE 2. This leads to appliance user syndrome in OWNER-PILOTS 3. A COMMUNICATION BARRIER EXISTS BETWEEN MECHANICS AND AIRCRAFT OWNERS Takeaways from this webinar: 1. Understanding what your airplane is telling you can often provide clues of an impending mechanical failure. 2. Communicating properly with a mechanic can save money, aggravation, and maybe even your life. 3. What if you could keep yourself from having to deal with an emergency in the first place? This webinar will definitely enlighten and expand your aircraft systems knowledge so come and join us!
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