Saturday March 18, 2023
10:00 AM - 12:00 PM
KHXD - Hilton Head
Ongoing proficiency training is a requirement for professional pilots to ensure continued aviation safety. Proficiency training can also be beneficial to general aviation pilots, as studies have shown pilots who regularly participate in such programs are much less likely to experience accidents. The FAA WINGS Pilot Proficiency Program is one way for general aviation pilots to ensure they are competent, confident, and safe in their flight operations. This presentation will introduce the audience to the WINGS Pilot Proficiency Program and discuss some of the ways it can help both pilots and flight instructors with regular proficiency training.
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Hilton Head Island Fire and Rescue Headquarters
40 Summit Dr
Hilton Head Isl, SC 29926
KHXD - Hilton Head
Aspen Avionics
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