Wednesday May 24, 2023
06:00 PM - 08:00 PM
KIXD - New Century Aircenter
According to statistics from the National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB), from 2008 to 2020 thunderstorms directly accounted for roughly 2% of general aviation weather-related accidents, but nearly 10% of general aviation weather-related fatalities. Thunderstorms still have a very high fatality rate of nearly 65%, which is relatively unchanged over the past several years. In an effort to help mitigate thunderstorm related accidents, the Heart of America Commemorative Air Force (CAF) Wing and the Weather-Ready Nation (WRN) FLYERS (FLYing Education, Resource, and Safety) team will be hosting an in-person workshop on thunderstorm education and avoidance. This free in-person workshop will cover the basic ingredients of thunderstorms, thunderstorm hazards, how NWS aviation forecasters warn pilots of thunderstorms, and where pilots can find thunderstorm related information. The webinar will last approximately 90 minutes.
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Heart of American CAF Wing Hangar
6 Aero Plaza
Olathe, KS 66031
KIXD - New Century Aircenter
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