Tuesday February 13, 2024
06:30 PM - 08:30 PM
KBAZ - New Braunfels Rgnl
You have planned a VFR flight from the San Diego across the mountains to a sparse short field. The field is surrounded by some high terrain and is is short which may have led to a botched landing with some bounces. What do you do? EAA/VMC Club, through the EAA's global Chapter structure, provides organized "hangar flying" focused on building flying knowledge and skills. The program's network promotes a safety culture through continued education and believes that we develop safety and proficiency through education and real life experience. Monthly meetings offer an opportunity to share in-flight experiences and valuable safety tips. Through the FAA Safety Program, aviation professionals provide informative WINGS presentations. You do not have to be an instrument rated pilot to attend. Membership in the EAA/VMC Club is encouraged but not required to participate in this meeting. For more information and to take part in this event, click the link below and register TODAY!
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New Braunfels National Airport
2333 FM 758
New Braunfels, TX 78130
KBAZ - New Braunfels Rgnl
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