Wednesday August 16, 2023
08:00 PM - 09:00 PM
Dive Into The World Of Non-Powered Flight And Learn How A Balloon Pilot Masters Microscale Meteorology For Everyday Flight! Have you ever experienced or been concerned about flight into IMC? Nearly half of all weather-related accidents happen because of continued VFR flight into IMC; sadly most of those accidents are fatal. Here s the challenge: Aviation weather forecasting is broad in coverage area and time. To help solve this challenge, this presentation will dive into the world of non-powered flight and hot air balloons to explain how a balloon pilot masters microscale meteorology for everyday flight. Balloon flight requires the pilot to be fully immersed in aviation weather on a small scale as being non-powered means there s no leaving the weather once in it! Learn the forecasting tools balloon pilots use for wind, fog, clouds, and rain to keep safe and apply those tools in your own powered flight and instruction to avoid IMC.
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