Wednesday June 07, 2023
06:30 PM - 07:30 PM
What to make of certain aches and pains and are they an emergency? Emergencies and Non-emergencies in flight Pain in the cockpit as well as to your passengers. Let's face it, we rely on healthy pilots. What to make of certain aches and pains and are they an emergency? We will go over symptoms and what to do to keep you flying straight and level. We will discuss what happens when you need to inform your AME of certain conditions and the path back to the cockpit. About our speakers: Dr. Joseph R. Tordella, D.O., Senior AME, HIMS, ATP received his Engineering degree at Drexel University. He holds several patents working in Computer, Aerospace and Bio-medical engineering. Dr. Tordella is a retired USAFR pilot and flight surgeon and a former TWA pilot. He was a partner in a joint venture with the mainland Chinese government known as CHINAM MEDCORP. He also has worked with the Federal Air Marshal Service. Presently, he is a physician specializing in Aviation Medicine at Air, Land & Sea, LLC and has testified on behalf of the FAA, air carriers, pilots and is an accepted expert witness by the NTSB. In November, 2018 he received the Wright Brothers Master Pilot Award. Dr. Pinnell is president of Airdocs Aeromedical Support Services, providing a variety of services to the aviation community. He has 23 years of aviation medicine experience and has been a pilot for 42 years. He is a Family Practice Physician and Senior Aviation Medical Examiner in Michigan. Dr. Pinnell served as a Chief Flight Surgeon and Commander for the 434th Aerospace Medicine Squadron. He also served as Deputy Chief of Bioastronautics for Human Spaceflight Support at Patrick AFB working 23 Space Shuttle missions plus Soyuz support. Currently he serves as an adjunct professor teaching Aviation Physiology and Human Factors at Western Michigan University College of Aviation. Dr. Pinnell is a board member for Civil Aviation Medical Association (CAMA) and AME Consultant to the Federal Air Surgeon.
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Leonard Knight
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