Saturday January 07, 2023
08:30 AM - 12:00 PM
KTKI - Collin County Rgnl At Mc Kinney
Topic: Technically Advanced Airplane (G1000) Provides Situation Awareness. What Do You Do If It Fails? IMC/VMC Club, through its nationwide chapters, provides organized 'hangar flying' focused on building proficiency in flying. Believing that safety and proficiency are developed through education and experience. Monthly meetings use real-world scenarios to engage our members and allow them to share and build their experience. For all pilots, student pilots and anyone thinking about flying. This event is held in the McKinney Air Center conference room on the second floor from 9:00 to 9:50 am. This gives attendees time to attend the EAA Chapter 1246 Coffee and Donuts meet-up at the airport.
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Collin County Rgnl At Mc Kinney
McKinney National Airport (KTKI), McKinney, TX
Dallas, TX
KTKI - Collin County Rgnl At Mc Kinney
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