Thursday September 14, 2023
02:00 PM - 04:00 PM
For private or higher licensed pilots, come join us for an educational tour of the Minneapolis Air Traffic Control Center (ARTCC) aka "Minneapolis Center" and grounds tour of the Minneapolis airport VOR and ILS systems!! At the ARTCC - see how they see you! You will have an opportunity to speak directly with controllers, ask questions, and learn more about how their world and systems work. The insights you gain will make you more comfortable and proficient whether you are VFR flight following or flying IFR. As a special bonus, the group will drive to the Minneapolis airport for an up-close grounds tour of the Minneapolis airport VOR & ILS system! These land based navigation aids are an engineering marvel, and this guided tour will let you ask questions and better understand how they function!
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Farmington ARTCC
512 Division Street
Farmington, MN 55024

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