Saturday April 08, 2023
10:00 AM - 12:00 PM
7S5 - Independence State
FAASTeam Manager for Airworthiness, Curt Cowley, and FAASTeam Representative, Robin Reid, will be doing a presentation on Maintaining& Inspecting aging aircraft. A large portion of our GA fleet is older aircraft and they require special considerations when it comes to maintenance. Don't miss this one if you own a classic or vintage aircraft!! REMEMBER-- A Vintage Aircraft was built 30 or more years ago. That means that ANY aircraft built before 1993 is now considered a vintage aircraft by the FAA. Prior to attending a safety seminar please review and abide by current CDC, State and Local health guidelines.
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EAA 292 Chapter Hangar
4801 Airport Rd
Independence, OR 97351
7S5 - Independence State
Continental Aerospace Technologies
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