Saturday February 11, 2023
10:00 AM - 11:00 AM
Did You Know A Blimp Can Fly In IMC Join us for A VIRTUAL cup of coffee, a donut, and a LIVE WEBINAR as Joe Erbs shares with us what it's like to fly the Goodyear blimp. He'll talk about learning to fly the blimp, and the different conditions it can fly in along with the logistics involved with flying a blimp from event to event. He'll take us on a virtual tour of the Goodyear blimp hangar where we wll be able to see the blimp and learn about the annual maintenance required to keep these large airships safely in the air. In addition, he will discuss with us how to safely fly in our airspace when in the vicinity of a balloon, and how that can be vastly different than sharing the airspace with our usual traffic.
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