Thursday January 25, 2024
07:00 PM - 09:00 PM
KLOU - Bowman Field
This is the monthly meeting of the Louisville IMC Club. At this meeting, we dissect accident reports, discuss in depth a varied assortment of possible scenarios that we face every day in flying, and talk about safety in aviation in general. Our moderators have a wide and varied level of experience in aviation. Jim is a retired UPS pilot and flew the B727, B747, and the MD11 in international and domestic operations. He has flown for the regional airlines, Part 135 charter, corporate, and others. He was a line pilot as well as an instructor at each airline having logged over 25,000 hours. He now does flight instruction for Flight Club 502, a group that is bringing the youth into aviation. Randy is a retired air traffic controller with 27 years of radar approach control behind him as well as being an instrument-rated private pilot. Together they cover a wide swath of aviation and always strive to direct the meetings towards everyone sharing their own experiences. You do not have to be instrument-rated to attend, only have a desire to become a better and safer pilot.
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The Aero Club at Bowman Field
3333 Roger E Schupp Street
Louisville, KY 40205
KLOU - Bowman Field
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