Saturday May 13, 2023
08:30 AM - 10:30 AM
KGLE - Gainesville Muni
Statistically, runway incursions have decreased through the years. However, a number of notable high visibility events have occurred in the National Airspace System (NAS) recently. While the overall numbers do not reflect an increase in incidents and occurrences, the potential severity of these events is concerning. Six serious runway incursions have occurred since January 2023. What does this tell you? The problem needs to be revisited because it still hasn t gone away. PRIOR TO ATTENDING A SAFETY SEMINAR PLEASE REVIEW AND ABIDE BY CURRENT CDC, STATE AND LOCAL HEALTH GUIDELINES.
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Ayers Aviation
2350 Airport Drive
Gainesville, TX 76240
KGLE - Gainesville Muni
Lightspeed Aviation
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