Thursday June 22, 2023
10:00 AM - 12:00 PM
KHKY - Hickory Rgnl
Runway incursions remain a serious concern nationally. One important component of our ongoing efforts to improve surface safety at HKY Airport involves conducting a Runway Safety Action Team (RSAT) meeting at least once each year. This meeting is held in conjunction with all airport users, to include airport management, airport tenants, local flight schools and pilots. Don't miss this meeting. The purpose of this RSAT meeting is to unite those individuals and organizations that are actively involved in air traffic operations and movement of aircraft, vehicles, and equipment on the Airport Operations Area (AOA). We look for participation from all major airport interests including tenants, fixed base operators, airport operations, and maintenance personnel. Participants are asked to help develop recommendations and solutions to enhance surface safety. Those recommendations serve as the foundation for a site-specific Runway Safety Action Plan. You are cordially invited to join us. Your participation is important and your input is welcomed.
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Hickory Regional Airport Hickory Regional Airport FBO
3101 9th Ave Dr NW
Hickory, NC 28601
KHKY - Hickory Rgnl
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