Tuesday January 17, 2023
07:00 PM - 09:00 PM
KFUL - Fullerton Muni
This presentation offers pilots information about how to safely get involved with an experienced organization that provides healthcare and international flying opportunities to Baja California. Each month a group of volunteer pilots is coached in safely navigating the challenges of cross country flying south of our US ADIZ Border. Pilot, Plane, Plan, Programming and Passenger preparation will be addressed by the president of the Flying Samaritan organization, John Greek. Learning how this organization prepares for flights will help all pilots expand their understanding of preparation required for cross country flying and perhaps motivate those interested to use their piloting skills to contribute to a worthy cause.
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Fullerton Airport Offices (formerly AFI)
4119 W. Commonwealth Ave.
Fullerton, CA 92833
KFUL - Fullerton Muni
Aspen Avionics
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