Friday May 19, 2023
08:30 AM - 10:30 AM
KCFE - Buffalo Muni
This school will be ground training for pilots who wish to transition to flying floats. Topics covered will include types and parts of floats, taxi procedures, amphibious operations, float plane safety, taxi procedures, docking and beaching, float plane performance, seaplane and maritime rules, Minnesota float plane rules, takeoff and landing techniques, risk management, and flight planning for float flying. This seminar will be a great start for any pilot who wishes to obtain a sea plane rating. Many of the topics will cover what an examiner is likely to ask on a seaplane checkride. In addition, the topics presented will be a great review for current floatplane pilots. We will have individuals available to help pilots register with FAASafety, so you may participate in the WINGS program. Come see how participating in the WINGS program can make it easier for you to remain flight current without worrying about the pressure of a flight review.
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Buffalo Municipal Airport
212 Central Ave.
Buffalo, MN 55313
KCFE - Buffalo Muni
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