Saturday February 11, 2023
11:00 AM - 01:00 PM
KUAO - Aurora State
At this month's Second Saturday Seminar, Willamette Aviation CFI Ian McDonough will be awarded the FAA's Wright Brothers Master Pilot Award. Decades ago, when Ian was a brand new Boeing 727 First Officer, a crusty old Captain told him, "Your job, son, is to keep me out of the trees, the newspapers, and the Chief Pilot's office." Following the award ceremony, Ian a former Naval Aviator, missionary bush pilot, airline pilot, and current CFI will share the strategies that allowed him to fulfill that old captain's request. "How to Fly Fifty Years Without Bending Aluminum " practical advice with a humorous twist. This month's Second Saturday gets underway on Feb. 11 at 1100 in the Education Hangar at Willamette Aviation. The event is certified for FAA Wings credit and there is no charge drop by or sign up on the Wings website to save your spot. After the event, everyone is welcome to stick around for this month's Apple Pie Social. We'll be serving hot apple pie and other treats. We'll see you there! Prior to attending a safety seminar please review and abide by current CDC, State and Local health guidelines
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Willamette Aviation Service
23115 Airport Rd NE
Aurora, OR 97002
KUAO - Aurora State
Continental Aerospace Technologies
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