Saturday March 16, 2024
08:30 AM - 10:30 AM
KCHS - Charleston AFB/Intl (Military)
This interactive forum will discuss factors affecting Human Performance - Fatigue, Stress, High Workload, Diet and more. We'll discuss practical information that pilots can use to stay both physically and mentally fit to fly. We'll take a look at techniques for managing stress and fatigue, and see how diet and lifestyle can profoundly influence pilot performance. And, how to improve performance with rest, good nutrition, and exercise. Finally, we'll look at the elements of Effective Communication - message senders, message receivers, delivery method, and message content. We'll emphasize "Aviation English" and "Thinking Before You Speak." We'll conclude with a look at "Multi Tasking."
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Charleston Southern University
9200 University Blvd
Charleston, SC 29406
KCHS - Charleston AFB/Intl (Military)
Continental Aerospace Technologies
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