Friday May 17, 2024
01:00 PM - 03:00 PM
KFFZ - Falcon Fld
Representatives from both the United Kingdom RAF and U.S. military contractors will be present and answer questions on their training activities around Bishop, Coolidge, and possible other locations. This scheduled 1.5 hour meeting is primarily directed towards the flight training providers using the South and Rainbow Valley practice areas, but representatives from all Phoenix area flight schools should attend. All pilots, if you transit through these areas, you need to be aware of these operations and are highly encouraged to attend. It is much more than just being cognizant of the NOTAMS for PJE. The agenda will include discussions on: 1. Military Parachuting Activities. 2. HALO (High Altitude, Low Opening) and HAHO (High Altitude, High Opening) Procedures. 3. NOTAMs (Notice to Airmen) and their significance. 4. Radio Frequency Coordination when entering a Parachute Jump Area
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CAE - Oxford Academy
5010 E Falcon Drive
Mesa, AZ 85215
KFFZ - Falcon Fld
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