Saturday February 24, 2024
04:30 PM - 06:30 PM
We know that loss of control accidents can happen when pilots are taken outside of their comfort zones - and that a big contributor to being uncomfortable is when something happens that we haven t seen before. As ground dwellers, our instinctive reactions to being startled could save the day through the fight-or-flight and freeze-in-place responses. As airmen, these natural reactions could kill us. Training our responses to better handle startling situations, along with stall, spin and upset recovery techniques may help reduce loss of control accidents. We absolutely agree - but should we first prepare ourselves by getting better at more familiar maneuvers, such that we can open-up the learning opportunities offered by more extreme training? This presentation conducted by Stephen Bateman, Ph.D., AOPA Flying Clubs.
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Washington State Fair Events Center
110 9th Ave SW
Puyallup, WA 98371

McFarlane Aviation
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