Saturday April 22, 2023
08:30 AM - 10:30 AM
1W1 - Grove Field
Emergency situations are usually a surprise, but thinking through what could happen ahead of time is a good way to be prepared and minimize the startle effect. This session will include quiz question that highlight some emergency causes and situations, an outline of various emergency situations, and a group discussion of how to prepare for, prevent, and deal with emergencies, including: Engine failure (takeoff and cruise, including partial power failures and carburetor icing) Fuel exhaustion: the risks of running one tank dry, the high number of fuel-exhaustion accidents VFR into IMC: the importance of switching to flying on instruments when encountering IMC Electrical failure: subtle and hard-to-detect failures and suitable backup systems Systems failures: the importance of learning and understanding how the aircraft systems work Emergency locator transmitter changes: should you switch to a 406 MHz ELT? Emergency equipment: backup instruments, satellite communicators, cellphone satellite SOS messaging
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Camas/ Grove Field (1W1) FlyIt FBO
632 NE 267th Ave, Camas, WA
Camas, WA 98607
1W1 - Grove Field
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