Saturday November 18, 2023
09:00 AM - 11:00 AM
KINF - Inverness
The two-hour meeting starts at 09:00 with a social event with refreshments, followed by a brief business meeting, followed by the guest speaker. This presentation will be focused on using fabric covering on aircraft in general, and the use of non-certified products like latex paint in particular. It will address the pros and cons of certain certified systems and why non-certified options may be appropriate depending on your specific application. It will cover the preparation of the airframe, applying the covering, base coats, finish coats, and the final detailing. Tools and equipment needed will be addressed. Finally, maintenance and longevity will be discussed. As a national EAA Presenter, Malcolm Morrison, has been building and restoring homebuilt aircraft for several years including a Pietenpol, Micro Mong, Cougar, Titan Tornado, and a few Kolbs. During this time he has refined some techniques on using latex paint and other non-certified products to achieve a quality finish for homebuilt aircraft.
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Right Rudder Aviation
4250 S. Airport Rd
Inverness, FL 34450
KINF - Inverness
Lightspeed Aviation
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