Saturday January 21, 2023
09:00 AM - 11:30 PM
KPMP - Pompano Beach Airpark
EAA Chapter 133 is hosting a pancake and sausage breakfast on Saturday January 21st 0900-1100.Please RSVP to EAA133PMP@gmail.com so we can get a good headcount for the food.It will be located at the Pompano Airport at a private T-Hangar immediately to to the west of X-Flight 1111 NE 10th Street Pompano Beachhttps://www.google.com/maps/place/XFLIGHT/@26.2427377,-80.1121539,16z/data=!4m5!3m4!1s0x0:0x872b4764e1116cfc!8m2!3d26.2421314!4d-80.1124328By coincidence, on the same day at the Pompano Air Park, Air Expo will be hosting a large static display of aircraft from over a dozen manufacturers. So, the plan after our breakfast and brief business meeting is for everyone to head over to Sheltair for the air show there.If you do want to attend Air Expo, you will also need to register with them at www.usaircraftexpo.com
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Pompano AirPArk

Pompano Beach, FL
KPMP - Pompano Beach Airpark
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