Saturday December 16, 2023
09:00 AM - 11:00 AM
KVDF - Tampa Executive
The meeting of EAA chapter 175 on December 16th will feature a VMC club session. This is a long-standing program run by EAA, which uses scenarios and case studies as the basis for open discussion about aviation and safe and proficient piloting (the scenarios are chosen so that there's never just one possible answer). It s also a good excuse to swap flying stories with each other! The December 16th session will be all about airspace. How do we plan a flight so as to use airspace as efficiently (and legally!) as possible? And what do we do when safety considerations and the letter of the airspace laws appear to conflict with each other? Bring your iPad with Foreflight (or other favorite resource) and your pilot brain along to the session and let s see how much we can learn from each other.
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Tampa Executive
9334 Vandenberg Airport Rd
Tampa, FL 33610
KVDF - Tampa Executive
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