Wednesday April 19, 2023
01:30 PM - 03:30 PM
Safety Conference 2023 is an exciting day where you'll have an opportunity to meet industry professionals from the airlines, air traffic control, corporate flight departments, and other aeronautics professions. Join us as we hear experts talk about their experiences flying and operating in a high-paced and safety-critical environment. Learn about how they work to ensure human and aircraft safety. This is a great opportunity for networking and is absolutely fun! The purpose of this event is to take a moment out of our busy lives, slowing down and focusing on SAFETY. This is an opportunity to learn from the experiences of others. For Kent State University Flight Operations, this is a SAFETY STAND-DOWN, where we refrain from flying and devote the entire day to what is most important to us, SAFETY. The goal is to leave the event with a renewed attitude, reinforcing good habits, sharing best practices, and learning something new that will serve us well as we go back to our professional endeavors. We hope that you enjoy the food and company of others who share the same passion! This event promises to be both informative and fun! Speaking Sessions are held at the Kent Student Center (Third Floor) and begin at 10:30 am, 12:00 pm, 1:30 pm, and 3:00 pm. Each session is scheduled for 1.5 hours, which allows for setup, welcome, introduction, speech, conclusion and/or Q&A, teardown, plus time needed to move between rooms. The actual talk by the speaker is generally 45-50 minutes. This event is open to all aeronautics students, enthusiasts, and professionals; pilots, crew members, flight instructors, mechanics, air traffic controllers, aviation managers, aerospace engineers, dispatchers, professors, and the general public. If you enjoy aviation, this is the place to be!
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Kent Student Center (KSC)
1075 Risman Dr, Kent, OH 44242
Kent, OH 44242

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