Saturday January 28, 2023
09:00 AM - 11:00 AM
KPWK - Chicago Executive
In aviation, attitudes can mean a number of different things. Heck, the instrument right in the center of the aircraft panel is an attitude indicator yet it doesn't tell you a thing about the pilot nor what attitudes he may be holding. We all learned about the five hazardous attitudes but maybe it's time for both a refresher and an update. Speaker Bio: Tim Miller is an Advanced Ground Instructor (AGI) and Certificated Flight Instructor (CFI). In his prior life, Tim spent 30 years teaching calculus, differential equations, number theory, algebra, and geometry at Niles West High School, and Loyola Academy. In addition to a long career in teaching, Tim was an aeronautical engineer with Lockheed in Silicon Valley designing controls systems for military satellites.
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Renaissance Suites Hotel
1400 Milwaukee Avenue
Chicago/Prospec, IL 60025
KPWK - Chicago Executive
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