Saturday January 28, 2023
02:00 PM - 04:00 PM
KPWK - Chicago Executive
Eddie Trujillo is one of the rare ones at Chicago Terminal Radar Approach Control, also known as C90 TRACON facility. He is both an Air Traffic Controller and a pilot. He may be the voice you hear when you key the mic and call up Chicago approach or departure. Eddie is committed to helping pilots and controllers understand each other. He volunteers to speak often and has been well received by our audience and on SimpleFlight Radio broadcasts. He may feel that he needs the help of a former co-worker to keep you thinking watch and listen Speaker Bio: Eddie Trujillo is an Air Traffic Controller. He graduated from Embry-Riddle in 2003 and joined the FAA as a controller in 2005. Eddie worked for 5 years at Memphis ARTCC, and then came to Chicago. He has been working for 11 years at Chicago TRACON. and is an instrument-rated private pilot.
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Renaissance Suites Hotel
1400 Milwaukee Avenue
Chicago/Prospec, IL 60025
KPWK - Chicago Executive
Continental Aerospace Technologies
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