Sunday December 17, 2023
09:00 PM - 10:00 PM
Mitigating the greatest scourge in aviation with effective Preflight Planning. YOU are in command of a well-equipped and maintained turboprop aircraft. You are also instrument qualified and proficient. Your mission is to fly a simple milk-run of 62nm between two points that you are very familiar with. What could possibly go wrong ? PLENTY !!! Join us tonight as we unravel the senseless and entirely preventable CFIT tragedy of Ace Air 51. We will explore the facts of the matter from the NTSB Final Report and discover the WHAT, the HOW and the WHY it happened to the crew managing this flight, It could so easily happen to YOU as well. Then it's YOUR turn. You get to plan for this mission as if you are flying it yourself. Do you think your preflight planning is adequate to the task ? Perhaps you will discover a few shortcomings to your planning that you may not have previously considered. It could make all the difference to you arriving safely ... or not at all.
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