Wednesday February 15, 2023
11:00 AM - 12:00 PM
Special Emphasis Webinars for CFI's! This Installment: Understanding and Avoiding Illegal Charters. The airline industry is hiring at an unprecedented pace in recent months. CFI's who are airline-bound know that time and timing count in the air carrier industry, and thus, while building hours, are vulnerable to becoming involved with aircraft charter operations that do not meet regulatory requirements. These operations are colloquially known as "134-and-a-half" operations. This installment will feature an eye-opening discussion of what constitutes a legal charter operation, and what to look for in deciding whether to get involved with a charter company. Material discussed includes a correlation of regulations and best practices, much of which are based on actual investigations. Since 2017, Tim Allen has been serving on the FAA's Special Emphasis Investigations Team (SEIT). The SEIT Team investigates, and specializes in, among other things, illegal aircraft charter operations.
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Robert Jex
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