Thursday February 23, 2023
07:00 PM - 08:00 PM
CFI Professional Development - Instrument Departures CFI/DPE Forum Instrument Departures Instrument departures procedures do not typically enjoy the same attention to instructional detail as their instrument approach counterparts. Yet, the risks inherent when departing in IMC conditions are arguably greater than when flying an instrument approach. Beginning with a review of the different types of departure procedures, basic TERPS design criteria, regulations, and pre-flight planning strategies, we will highlight techniques you can use to enhance your student's ADM by considering risk assessment, aircraft performance requirements, navigation methods, and pre-departure briefing. Then, we'll correlate each of the ACS Know-Consider-Do skill elements with the PTS CFI Instrument Instructor tasks and explore deeper connections that can enhance our ability to transfer knowledge. This will be a fast-paced, interactive webinar presented by EA25 FAASTeam Lead Representative Don Argintar with support from Designed Pilot Examiner / Lead Representative Ryan Ferguson and Lead Representative Bob Miranda. This is a master level webinar for certified instrument flight instructors and certified flight instructors / commercial pilots working towards their instrument flight instructor certificates. Of course, all pilots at all skill levels are welcome to join us! Speakers: Don Argintar Moderators: Ryan Ferguson, Bob Miranda To register for this webinar: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZYpdOCgpjwvG9UeLtdjUGHbVG9GM6GpeMDF
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