Tuesday May 14, 2024
08:00 PM - 09:00 PM
Takes A Deeper Dive Into Flying Light Twins Than You Probably Learned In That Three-day Multiengine Course Noted airshow performer and multiengine instructor Doug Rozendaal takes a deeper dive into flying light twins than you probably learned in that three-day multiengine course all those years ago. For experienced twin engine pilots and those new to multiengine aircraft this discussion will cover: The drill: How ritual makes sense out of chaos. The VMC Demonstration: How and why the benign yaw event done in training becomes a violent snap roll in practice. Partial power loss: How to identify and deal with the insidious partial loss of power as compared to total engine failure. Turning into the dead engine: Slaughtering the sacred cow that turning into a failed engine is deadly. Answers to viewer questions
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