Saturday March 11, 2023
09:00 AM - 11:00 AM
54J - Defuniak Springs
As aviators, we understand the importance of doing a thorough preflight before every flight. But, how often do we find something totally wrong? Would we even notice if something was out of place? Especially when flying new or unfamiliar aircraft. Come join us at the DeFuniak Springs Airport for a Preflight Safety Challenge. We will start with a short presentation discussing the risks associated with improper preflight and note that preflighting the aircraft is only a small portion of preflight preparation to mitigate risk prior to departure. The presentation will be followed by a preflight challenge to see which aviators can find all, or the most squawks on our Piper Saratoga. Prizes for the best three preflighting aviators!
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Defuniak Springs Airport - Hanger B
1931 US-90
Defuniak Spring, FL 32433
54J - Defuniak Springs
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